Here you'll find the answers to all your questions about the delivery of your order.
How long does delivery take?
All orders are usually shipped within 24 hours. Orders placed on the weekend will be processed the next working day. Shipping times vary due to destination and service used.
What should I do if I received the wrong product?
If you placed your order from our online shop and received the wrong product, please contact us and we’ll help you with the return and refund process.
How much will delivery cost?
Barber Brands Europe offer free shipping on all orders above €250,- within Europe. If the order amount is below, shipping costs will be charged depending on destination.
When do I receive the track & trace code?
You receive the track & trace code when your order is shipped.
What should I do if I haven’t received my package?
We always aim to deliver your order within our standard delivery times, but sometimes unexpected factors can cause delays in your delivery. Please contact us and we’ll help you.